Department of  Nutrition

Year of establishment                                                          :                                   2007

Annual /Semester/Choice Based Credit System: Annual (CBCS started from 2017-18).

Scope, scientific importance, practical usefulness of the course: In developing countries including India, different nutrition programmes are running but the workers engaged in these programs have no up-to-date knowledge in the concern field. The students of this course may be utilized to empower them by dissemination of knowledge in the field of food style, food selection, food frequency, therapeutic diet formulation, health status assessment and nutrition therapy, critical nutritional care at primary level. Moreover, students of this course may focus the research findings in the said field for the validity and reliability of the said ideas after completion their post graduation.

Teaching methods adopted:  Besides the conventional way of chalk and talk method in classrooms, ICTs through video classes and PPT presentations are implemented.

Nutritional science is the most applicable science to serve the community directly by food modification, food selection and community nutrition & hygiene awareness by growing health friendly food style. Moreover, there is a clear network between “Nutrition & Public Health”. On that background the course has been formulated considering the following domains:

  • Community awareness or Social vaccination by food style, food selection, food exchange list etc. for the prevention of non communicable metabolic health disorders that lead to the generation of healthy community.
  • Empowerment of the community member by nutrition education which will help to modify the knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of the members in connection with therapeutic diet for disease prevention, quick recovery and health promotion.
  • To generate manpower for the conduction of research in nutrition at molecular level specially in the field of nutrogenomics, nutroproteomics, nutraceuticals, prebiotics, probiotics etc.
  • To train up the students for the formulation of therapeutic diet in industrial manner considering laboratory data and life style for prevention of diseases, promotion of health and recovery from diseases.

In our country, community nutritional support programmes are running for the improvement of community health. For the prevention of malnutrition in children, pregnant and lactating mother, ICDS programme is running widely. In spite of that, nutritional deficiency disorders, malnutrition problem, retardation in growth and development of children are noted which focused that the programmes are not running properly. There are so many reasons behind it and out of these major causes are –

Ø  Workers engaged these programmes have no sufficient and modern knowledge in the field of   nutrition, growth and development.

Ø  Knowledge of the community member is poor about the acceptability of the programme and the community participation in this programme is not followed properly.

Ø  Role of nutrition on immunity is not proper among the workers and the community members.

Ø  Knowledge of food style, life style on the prevalence of diseases is poor of the workers and community members.

On the basis of that background, the major objectives and goals of the proposed course have been selected.

  • To provide students with a comprehensive, in-depth education in understanding the clinical nutritional programmes with special reference to nutritional deficiencies, nutritional disaster management etc.
  • To empower the community through knowledge transfer by enriching the students community about the impact of nutrients on immunity, drug – nutrient interaction, impact of food style on community health, immunization programme etc.
  • To focus the health promotion by proper nutrients in the sports community and in other vulnerable sectors like pregnant and lactating mother, children etc.
  • To empower the students in the field of dietetics by the formulation of therapeutic diet for the prevention and recovery of different diseases considering individual data.
  • To generate manpower in the field of research of nutrogenomics, nutroproteomics, nutrometabolomics, probiotics and prebiotics etc.
  • Training of the students in community on Community nutrition assessment, Nutrition education by community participation.